
Whispers of Cypress and, eventually, Van Gogh
Laura Parker, January 21, 2024

Uncover the timeless charm of Cupressus sempervirens in Laura Parker’s essay, where myth, art, and personal yearning converge in the southern landscapes.

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The Doctor and the Pharmacist 
, January 3, 2024

Set in war-torn Aleppo. This narrative vividly portrays a journalist’s encounter with survival, resilience, and unexpected revelations amidst the Syrian Civil War’s chaos. A gripping tale of human spirit overcoming the harsh realities of conflict.

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Henry Street at Christmas, 2012
Seán Carlson, December 25, 2023

From Dublin’s bustling streets to unexpected online fame, a Christmas video captures moments and sparks a viral debate in Seán Carlson’s Henry Street at Christmas, 2012.

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The Forgotten Forest
, December 24, 2023

A journey through nature’s enchantments and memories.

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Young Grief
Gabriele Sidlauskaite, December 15, 2023

Explore the haunting journey through grief as the author confronts the lonely aftermath of Kostas’ suicide—raw, unfiltered, and profound. Young Grief by Gabriele Sidlauskaite

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Lisa del Rosso, December 9, 2023

In Haunted Lisa del Rossoa explores a brilliant student’s descent into heroin addiction as a professor grapples with guilt and the uncertainty of her fate.

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Embracing Time
Ping-Yi Yee, December 6, 2023

Embrace the timeless narrative in this evocative essay, ‘Embracing Time,’ as it weaves through the intricacies of seasons, childhood adventures, and personal reflections. Explore a world where seasons defy convention, inviting readers to ponder life’s changes. Immerse yourself in a rich tapestry of nostalgia, monsoons, and unique perspectives on time. A captivating read for those seeking literary depth and reflection. Dive into this poignant exploration, defying the ordinary and embracing the extraordinary.

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The Armed Forces and the War on Terror
Kola King, November 24, 2023

This is a stark reminder that the battle against terrorism is far from over despite the government’s repeated stance that the terrorists have been degraded and that the armed forces have won the war against terrorism.

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Simplicity – A Photo Essay
Avik Sarkhel, November 20, 2023

Photography serves as the key that unlocks new opportunities, allowing him to explore places he might not have ventured to otherwise.

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Jocelyn Jane Cox, November 18, 2023

In ‘Patterns’, a heartfelt narrative unfolds, capturing the tender interplay between a daughter and her ailing mother, where even the simple hospital gown weaves a story of love, loss, and the enduring strength of family bonds.

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The Opera Singer
H. A. Sappho, November 15, 2023

That’s why they’re moving. The apartment repairs, or completions—I’m not sure which myself—have continued unabated the entire time I have lived there. But it has never bothered me as much as I know it must bother almost everyone else. The Opera Singer by H.A. Sappho

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Diversity or Disillusionment? India’s tryst with monoculturalism 
Melanie Banerjee, November 9, 2023

Even though India is home to over two thousand ethnic communities, diverse languages and is the land of four major Indian religions, including Hinduism; the country under the rule of the BJP, is displaying a paradox in its prideful diversity.

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